Saturday, March 29, 2008

Unusual Day

Well I got home from a typical day at work yesterday to see that the neighbor's dog, a little part chihuahua had gotten out and was running around the block. It is pretty much a puppy, less than a year old. I was in a hurry to get to rehearsal since it was starting earlier. I also didn't want the dog to get hit by a car or run off.

So I rushed around and caught the dog. I thought the neighbor would be home by the time I got it caught but he wasn't. I had to go and I didn't want to put the dog back into the fence since there is a big rottweiler in the fence and I couldn't get the dog back in there.

So I have a pet carrier and put the puppy in that and put it in the neighbor's drive way so she would be safe and he would find her. Then I left to get to supper and rehearsal which lasted until nearly eleven. We ran the whole play from start to finish starting at around seven thirty.

It went fairly well as the actors were off book during the whole play. They only had to ask for lines occasionally or we went back if large parts of dialogue were skipped.

Overall it was a successful rehearsal and we will be running the whole thing again this evening!

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