Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Olympics

I've never been a huge Olympics fan. I watch a few events here and there but overall I'm just not that interested, especially on the cusp of football season.

So now the Olympics are in of the countries that has few human rights, no religious freedoms, hybrid communist views, and an exploding population to control. I can't help thinking that this is a perfect storm for a tragedy when the world comes to visit. The world who enjoys many freedoms that China denies its population like freedom of the press.

Whole herds of journalists have descended on China and they expect to report what they see with no interference like normal. Wellllll.....not so fast there Sparky. As long as China approves what you write you can.....I'd dread that assignment if I were a journalist. Likely you will be seeing lots of reporters who drew the shortest straw.

Sure the opening ceremonies were beautiful. Amazing even! Why can't this gigantic country be as amazing when it comes to trusting its population with fundamental freedoms? It isn't quite right at that point but it is a start. For example our Constitution clearly states that we are endowed by our Creator with rights, they are not parsed out to us by the government. The Constitution limits what our government can do, not empower it to give its population rights.

That is the right way, and in some ways our congress has gone all bonkers with arrogance. Anyway that is a subject for another blog.

The Olympics! Where the world meets to express goodwill and have sporting events! Lets hope that goodwill that China is displaying right now carries over through the duration of the event with no interference from its oppressive government.

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