Friday, April 06, 2012


In theory I should be twice as smart as I was at twenty one. However I don't really feel that way, in fact I probably just feel fairly average. In my youth I probably had expected to have been a world weary traveler by now ala George Bailey however like George Bailey I wound up with a wealth of family and friends....and broken plans.

Naturally the trade off isn't even comparable, I'd give up nothing I have now! Not now, not tomorrow, not any day! I've got the best wife you could ask for, the best daughters I could have ever hoped for, the best friends you could ask for, and even the best pets you could hope for.

This is going to be a good year though, I can tell. 42 is the ultimate answer to everything in the universe according to Douglas Adams, so that obviously means my family and I are going to have a great year!!! I also hereby resolve to read the entire Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a trilogy told in five parts, this year. I read the first one years ago and enjoyed it very much! This year I'll put them on my reading list and get all five parts read!

Not to mention when I'm sixty two I'll definitely wish I was forty two once again! So I'd better enjoy it whilst I can! Now my honey has planned a great secret birthday celebration for me and she gets to let the cat out of the bag today! She's been keeping this secret for a few weeks and it's killing her to tell me! Hahaha! I love her so much!

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