Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This is my 500th post!!!!
I have looked back over some of my posts and wondered what in the world I was thinking.
I guess it reflected an accurate snapshot of my frame of mind at the time though so I guess that shows progress of sorts.

It shows a lot of ups and downs, a lot of emotional turmoil, and it does show a modicum of growth.

I'd like to say that I have lots of projects in the works but the truth is I don't have anything of my own except for Drinkbusters. The Fanfilm Project is going to be huge though and I am very much looking forward to that!!!!

I'd love to say that I am hard at work writing a script that I know I can shoot but I can't tell you that. I don't. I start writing on an idea, fleshing it out, get twenty or thirty pages into it and the idea dies on the vine.

Maybe writing isn't my strong point. If you have seen Locker and read my blog you might be right in assuming that.

Alright here is a secret, I know that writing is a skill and that if I keep writing this blog I feel my screen writing will get better so I keep doing this. I do enjoy it though, it is a nice vent. Believe me I sort of think about these posts before I write them. Not a lot but there is a small amount of forethought put into them.

I do think that every time I write here I am unconsciously building my writing skill and can soon write a full length script to shoot. Yeah I know. I just need to start writing. I keep trying to figure out a niche that just hasn't had a movie made about it though. Something that will grab some online buzz. Something that will be Blair Witch unique. Blair Witch can't be done again. It just can't. It was a brilliant idea and could only be done one time. A one off. I'd like an idea that is just so unique that it will allow me to quit my job.

Oh yeah there is that too....that is a wonderful reason I write this blog. It helps me deal with my soul crushing job. So in a way my blog is a search for the meaning of happiness. I know I'm not happy at my job, however it has turned into a trap. I get so many perks it is difficult to quit without replacing at least the pay part. I can live without the massive amounts of vacation and copious amounts of federal holidays....yeah I can live....I'm sure....well....we'll see. That is the real trap of the job. They know it sucks so they give you more money every year and more time away from the job!!!! How devious is that?!?!?!

What my job also allows me to do is pursue my filmmaking future!!!! I have put a lot of time and effort into learning the filmmaking process. I can frame nearly any shot and do it efficiently. I can edit and make a story out of it. I can study the classic movies and I can tell what shots were used and why. I am all about film and making a story out of a lot of chopped up shots. I am about making the process fun for the actors and crew. I am all about making something harder on myself if it means that it is easier on cast and crew.

If you have seen my living room and the literally thousands of DVDs laying around it you would know I study movies. It is really hard to actually enjoy a movie for just being a movie without thinking about it and how it can be better.

Alright so this post isn't very focused but again this is my blog and my rules. I've got five hundred posts and in my life that is an accomplishment, a milestone that allows me a small amount of pride.

To make it more amazing I've probably written at least two hundred of them with at least one cat in my lap and like now two.

1 comment:

walksntherain said...

I congratulate you on your 500th post! A very nice accomplishment! Actually, I enjoyed reading this one the best! I cheer within your joy of it too. I can even pet the cats. :)