Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Creating Reality

Today we live in a world where technology is everywhere. You are actually no longer bound by the harsh realities of life.

Get yourself a minimal job that pays for a roof over your head and you can unplug yourself entirely by being plugged into a network, a game, a community of people who share your own distaste of reality.

What does this mean? It means that just last week, in one of the most important mid-term elections of this generation just over 40% of the population voted. That means that 60% either don't care or that they are fed up with reality as they see it and and decide to create and get lost in their own reality.

It is easy now to get lost in a game such as Everquest or World of Warcraft not to mention twenty others. You can spend days on message boards or forums and find exactly the kind of company you want to keep.

When I was in high school I wished I could connect like now to like minded people as easily. I had a lot of things that I wished I could have researched then and learned all I wanted to know like I can now. A thought, few strokes of the keyboard, and whammo! I can find out nearly anything.

So that leads me to wonder exactly how long it will be before we can create an entire reality where we can live someone's life through implanted memories or some such concept we haven't even thought of yet. The internet would be primitive for what I have in mind.

Don't like living in a one bedroom apartment anymore? Plug in and all of a sudden you are Mick Jagger, John Elway, or Cindy Crawford. I mean if you can do that why not just invent someone, program some kind of amazing life and live that in your head?

Get up the next day, work a minimum amount to keep the rent paid and the lights on and then you can get back to your world. A world where things can go your way, anyway you want. Life too hard for you? Not a problem anymore. Just plug in someone else's life and you can escape yours.

Where is the line with that kind of reality? Virtual Reality would be tinker toys compared to these kinds of advances in creating your own reality.

Yeah, compassion would die.
Art would die.
Creativity would die.
Apathy would run rampant.

Why would that bother you though? You have your own designed life at your finger tips and that is so much more satisfying right? It is as real as you believe it is. Why fix problems in reality when you can have them fixed and make a difference in your world. Why get your heart broken and beaten down in reality when you can have the person of your dreams and the life you desire in your own reality? Why die from cancer in reality when you can cure cancer in your reality?

What would I do? I don't know, I really don't.

What would you do?

1 comment:

walksntherain said...

What a concept! Deep thoughts there my friend, but you are right, it probably is not that far off in reality. I am almost speechless, because I would like to say that I would rather live 100 percent in reality as I know it now. Then again, I look at my life, and it is already filled with so much internet. I like playing chess and other board games on the internet with my friends. One thing that might make the difference is that I know I am communicating with real people who are really living. I wish some things were different in my life that is for sure, but living some fake life is not my answer. I want to really feel a man hold me, and I want him to really feel loved when I am holding him. Oh yes, and I did really vote!