Sunday, November 05, 2006

Breaking Blu

Well here we go, an endeavor into another post about a celebreality show....Breaking Bonaduce. It follows the lives of Danny Bonaduce and his behind the scenes mess of a life with his wife Gretchen.

What is strange about this show is that it is hard to tell if any of it is scripted. I tend to think it is actually real. Sometimes the drama tips into melodrama but I think that is more editing than anything else.

This is the second season of the show and I watched it last year with some kind of morbid fascination to see how much this guy is going to crack up. Just how self destructive can someone get and still be alive? Well Danny Bonaduce would be your answer. He just can't have some kind of normal existence without pushing things too far.

Honestly I don't blame him. I can see his pain and I sympathize with it. I can relate to it. For the most part I think it stems from his wife. She seems to be his downfall at nearly every turn. All he wants is to is be happy and have this romantic vision of a family. It really seems he would be very content with that and abandon his hard living ways if he had that. The problem again seems to stem from her lack of any kind of romantic bone in her body which leads to a massive amount of frustration and more drinking and drugs on his part.

Speaking of frustration I have resigned from working on Chris's project. Chalk it up to creative differences. We are still great friends and hopefully always will be. There are more a LOT of projects that I feel he and I have to do in the future but this one, well I can't give what he needs.

Please don't read more into this than what is there, it is a mutual decision and better for the both of us. I have Drinkbusters and I have the Fanfilm Project which will be an amazing piece of work when finished! Yeah I am bummed that The Passing Drummers didn't work out, I won't lie. There is a lot to do though and maybe this will finally get me into gear to write something and get another project going, maybe for the Summer!

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