Thursday, November 02, 2006

Paranormal Experiences

I've talked to a couple of friends about this and have one that has told me she will tell me some good stories next time she and I grab a drink.

I was watching the Ghost Hunters last night and I don't know why but it seems that they really don't get a lot in their investigations anymore. It isn't like they got a lot but they did have a chair move in a haunted lighthouse.

Last night I saw one episode where some bed covers moved on their own. They had some EVPs but other than that, not a lot. They do go in with a different mind set though. They try to debunk a haunting and find reasons for everything. They don't fawn over every weird piece of video tape and pronounce something haunted just because they want to. They do look for evidence and seem to do a good job of collecting it.

So it just so happens that about the same time Chris called me up as I was pondering these things.

I asked him his opinions on the matter. We have discussed them before but that was a while back and I was looking for his fresh perspective. He just didn't know anymore. He said he had been on several ghost hunts and didn't really come up with anything. I asked if he had reviewed the footage from Saturday and he hadn't as of yet. He is still recovering from his cold and is a bit weak still. Saturday we shot at the former Sunny Side Center which was a nursing home for the mentally ill. The place had a lot of violence and sadness in its history so I was halfway expecting something weird to happen.

The only thing that really happened was that I felt really drained after we were done shooting. Even though we only shot for about ten hours I felt very very tired and slept from about an hour after I got home until the next morning straight through. Paranormal? I'm going to say no. If there was any place in town though that I figured would be haunted it would be that place.

So I asked an email list I am a member of if anyone had any paranormal experiences and the best story was when a friend and his buddy went into a club they belonged to but the founder's son had been gone for several years, and when they went into the building a music system started playing the son's favorite song. That was pretty paranormalish for sure!

So I can firmly say that nothing has ever happened to me but that doesn't mean it isn't real. I just have never experienced it. I'd like to see some kind of tangiable evidence that I am a part of like TAPS occasionally finds on tape or experience.

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