Monday, November 13, 2006

Desperate Housewives Part 2

Well here is what I thought of the entire season as I finished watching the second season yesterday. I liked it. It was entertaining as I stated in the last post.

This is a show though that I don't know if they can maintain the interest or not. It seems that they have explored a lot of storylines already so how much further can they go and keep it interesting?

I can boil it down to my interest, Teri Hatcher: Hot, Eva Longoria: Hot.

Yeah there are some good storylines that keep my interest and I have enjoyed the season. I just wonder how long the show will last. I wondered the same thing about 24 and Lost and supposedly they have lots of storyline written for Lost.

Anyway just wanted so sum it up for you. Watch it if you have the time and nothing else going on, it is fun, entertaining, and a good ride!

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