Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Can You Fight City Hall?

My dad has been storing his bus/rv behind my house for a while. Well the city passed this very intrusive ordinance a few months ago the prohibits an inoperable vehicle anywhere on your property.

Yes that is correct, no inoperable vehicle ANYWHERE on your property. It must be able to start and move at all times. So I come home the other day to find a sticker saying the bus is inoperable.

Well a few months ago the police came by and gave me a red tag for the same thing, I pointed out that it is operable, I don't know how to start it but it runs and moves as it was driven here. They gave me a green tag and said that the case was closed.

So I call them up and the inspector, well she doesn't return my calls for one after I had left THREE messages to tell her that I have a green tag from the police saying it was operable. Then Monday I see her driving by my house but she doesn't stop to talk to me about it which forced me to take off of work to clear it up!


I maintained my cool while talking to her. It was obvious that she had the IQ of a cucumber but I played nice. It is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.

I can't wait until someone challenges this ordinance in court, I'm sure it will be shot down quickly.

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