Friday, November 16, 2007


Yes the walking disgrace to baseball was indicted yesterday on perjury and obstruction of justice charges!

Well as big a grease fire as Michael Vick is, today he can say, "Well at least I'm not Barry Bonds!"

You long time readers of my blog know my opinion of Bonds and how bad of a guy he is. He used steroids to put himself back into the spotlight, he is a well known surly individual who hates his fans, has few friends, and an ego the size of California itself.

The Giants wanted no part of him after last year so Bonds was forced to go shopping for a team as a free agent. Well now the teams interested in him are breathing a sigh of relief since those who might have been close to thinking about signing him have now saved themselves a lot of money that they could invest into a better player who could actually help their team win.

In the end Bonds will have no ring, a hollow record that ARod will break in less than ten years, and will probably be a convicted felon. So Barry, I have to ask, was it worth it?

Bonds Indicted! Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

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