Sunday, April 06, 2008

Man Hall Of Fame Part 21

One of the greatest epic movie actors of all time has died. From the sprawling epic The Ten Commandments to one of the greatest epics of all time Ben-Hur to El Cid and The Greatest Show On Earth, to the scifi classic Planet of the Apes, Charlton Heston took a role and made it bigger than life.

His muscular build and craggy, chiseled looks helped him become a man that men admired and women loved. One of his lesser known roles but a true classic, also known as the perfect B movie A Touch of Evil, he plays a Mexican DEA agent on a border town. Orson Welles directed this thriller and the chemistry between Welles and Heston just created an electric chair's worth of electricity!

Charlton Heston was also a man of principle, elected as president of the NRA for four years. He did more to promote what the second amendment is really about than anyone before him or since. He knew that he wouldn't get another role in Hollywood for his outspoken support of the Constitution but that is the price he paid for doing what he wanted to do. He was also a civil rights activist in the fifties, very daring at the time but a very conservative cause to be for.

Mr. Heston, you'll enjoy the company here. May you rest in peace sir.

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