Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Another Year Older

Usually I never blog about birthdays or anything like that, however today I'm going to. It's inevitable that it'll come around each and every year and that it'll make you feel times of reflection and eventually you'll look to the future.

You'll wonder how many more you'll see, how many more days of walking on this Earth you'll have. When I was twenty I thought thirty was ancient. Now that I'm officially into my forties I've got to wonder what the next decade will bring.

My thirties were a mixed bag of good and bad. Some really great moments and some really bad/sad moments. I'd venture to say that my forties will be similar to that although what the great moments and sad/bad moments will be I can't speak to as I really don't know what will present itself in the future.

If the weather is nice after work I'll likely indulge in a fine cigar at home. I'll get my bag chair, lighter, cutter, and kindle and hopefully enjoy the sunshine and calm day. Just a nice peaceful evening.

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