Friday, April 29, 2011

The Wedding

First of all who cares? In America we have a built in allergy to royals. For the most part, nanny staters need not apply, we are freedom loving and require it as we require air to breathe.

Yes an argument can be made that the royals are nothing but figureheads now. They hold little to no sway in governmental matters. They seem to ride around in carriages and wave a lot.

At least they have moved past marrying their own kin, something usually thought of as reserved for the Appalachian mountains and royalty.

So yes we have a basic allergic reaction to anything royal. The thought that a higher born individual is naturally better than a commoner is absurd to us. Here even those who are born to lower surroundings can rise and become a success with hard work, education, and dedication.

Royal wedding? I ignored it.

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