Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Clash Of Kings

The HBO series Game of Thrones I've been blogging about has been picked up for production for a second season after the debut episode!

A Clash of Kings follows the houses of Westeros after the events of Game of Thrones naturally. It's a big novel as well. I've not read but maybe a chapter or two as of yet but I'm primed to get going on it. I'm planning on starting it after the HBO series ends this season.

Thing 1 is doing well. She has just started taking her new medicine yesterday. It'll take a week or two to build up to full strength but it should be more effective than the anti-depressant that she was on.

She's had two counseling sessions this past week and is doing well enough to be allowed to drive one time. She got one hour yesterday to get hair dye. She got back with time to spare and did ok. It's baby steps now.

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