Friday, April 01, 2011

Game Of Thrones

I just finished this book last night from George R.R. Martin. I thought I had read it before and stopped about half way through it and lost track of it after that but there were parts of the book I remembered happening like the several of the last chapters and the finale. I knew what happened a lot so it is possible I fi the book the first time around and I just don't remember now. Weird but possible.

Regardless this was a darn fine book, epic story. It is such a good story that HBO has made it into a series. One season equals one book. I've been stunned when I watch the trailers on You Tube because it is the exact same as the novel.

I've recognized the characters, heard the same lines, witnessed the same events as in the novel. It's going to be epic!

You can see it for yourself here and then see some of the trailers. It kicks off April 17th I believe and yes I'll be subscribing to HBO to watch it!

There's time for you more avid readers to read this first book, I finished it in just under two weeks and I didn't read it at all last weekend. It weighs in around eight hundred pages, eight fifty eight on my Kindle. I'd highly recommend it for those of you who like high adventure and drama but be warned there is some adult situations, graphically described violence, and Martin has no problems killing off popular main characters to further the story for future events.

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