Sunday, April 17, 2011

Game Of Thrones Tonight!

What could very well be one of the most epic shows ever on TV outside of The Walking Dead and Deadliest Catch will begin this very evening. I blogged about it already and now the countdown is dwindling to nothing.

Game of Thrones debuts tonight. The medieval fantasy of epic size and scope, encompassing one single novel of a planned seven novel series. Books one through four are out now while book five will be out this July.

It has everything a fantasy epic should have, it's gritty, it's got murder, political intrigue, warring families, thousands of years of history, and more. The characters are neither all good or all bad. The best have faults, the worst have moments of heart.

Seasons will last a generation and winter is coming. A giant wall holds back unknown threats along the north, guarded by the Night's Watch. They patrol it, swear their lives as brothers forever to defend the rest of the kingdom against these threats that are thousands of years old.

With four novels out and each up over eight hundred pages with two over a thousand you'll have plenty of reading material in this world. The thing is though, this series is special. There just isn't a series out there with this kind of storytelling, this depth, this attention to every action and plotting. Once this series is over with it's over with. We will likely never see it's equal again.

As Tolkien is special, as Asimov is special, George R. R. Martin is special. If you start this series you'll crave more and lament it's ending. Every good thing has a beginning, middle, and end as does this. It'll be around an estimated six thousand pages when completed as the new book Dance with Dragons is massive. Who knows how big the final two books will be at this point but this journey is one you'll enjoy every step of the way.

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