Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Little Better

Thank you all for the support you've offered my family. Every single one of you. I realize there's been drama in the past but it's all trivial at the most now and means nothing. Nothing. If it were one of your children, God forbid it ever is, I want you all to know that we'd be right there with you as you have been for us.

We'd love you as you have loved us during this trying time. There are a lot of things more important in this life than he said she said blah blah blah. That's the happiness and well being of your loved ones. I don't think The Date or I would have been able to get through the past couple of days if it hadn't been for your support, every single one of you.

Rest assured Thing 1 is safe now and a bit angry as she works through all of the events of the past couple of days. One of the attendants spoke with The Date and said she isn't like a lot of the kids that he has come through there, they aren't happy, have seriously bad issues, they have warning signs for weeks, and she hasn't shown any of that.

She's a mouthy, moody, teen. She doesn't like authority (I've always had a deep seated problem with authority figures myself but to make a living you have to get past that) but she doesn't exhibit any of the signs you read about.

I just want you to know if there's any doubt lingering after everything I've said thus far, we love you all, thank you all, no hard feelings over anything anymore. There's more important things now to think about and work on, go right now and love your children and hug them. The past is over and dead, right now we are living for today, tomorrow, and a bright future.

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