Thursday, April 14, 2011


I'll visit the entire story of what happened at a later date. I'd like to do that for my own therapeutic benefit. I'd like things to be well on their healing way first instead of ripping fresh scabs off of new wounds.

So now I'm going to talk about what I've been doing as a distraction. The greatest show on TV started back up, Deadliest Catch. With a touching tribute to Captain Phil at the start of the show where they scatter his ashes and follow that up by firing their weapons into the sky and water followed by fireworks. It was fitting and genuine.

Then it was onto getting out to sea and fishing for kind crab. The Harris brothers brought on one of Captain Phil's friends and part time captain to skipper the Cornelia Marie. It looks like it'll be a good match for them as he wants things done and will get them done to the best of his ability even while stepping on toes as Phil would.

The Northwestern sees the return of Edgar Hansen for his twenty third season of fishing. Last year he was going to hang it up for good. Tired of the grind, tired of Sig's oppression, and tired of everything. He was burned out on his job as I get or you get from time to time.

The Wizard and Time Bandit return as well and were striking out in fishing. They pulled in very little crab and are now going to struggle to make quota this season. They'll have to pack it up and reset their gear on better crabbing grounds.

All in all its the show I love, it has every element in it that makes a good show great. Drama, serious danger, conflicts, resolutions, and heart.

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