Friday, June 30, 2006

Swashbuckling Goodness!!!!

With the release of Pirates of the Caribbean a couple of weeks away I decided to indulge with Errol Flynn and The Sea Hawk!

The first adventure star was at his best in these swashbucking pirate movies such as Captain Blood and Against All Flags. Yeah I know there were a lot of years between those two movies but still it didn't matter.

Flynn was at his best as a pirate.

Flynn was a great actor. He defined action and adventure in his time. His Robin Hood was incredible. Kevin Costner? Please, brother should have known better than to trample upon the sacred ground of Flynn.

Flynn played the part. More than that he made you believe that he lived as a pirate in his spare time. That being a swashbuckler came as natural to him as breathing does, well and drinking to him.

He lived a very fast life and moderation was a rarely used word around him.

Yeah Johnny Depp makes for a very entertaining pirate he really does. But he'll never be Errol Flynn.

I hope that if the Pirates of the Caribbean accomplishes just one thing, other than showing us Keira Knightly again, it will bring about more interest in the classic films of pirates and tall ships!

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