Thursday, June 22, 2006

Vista Headache

I'm sitting at the library where I work and now posting this.

I've has a huge Vista headache the past two days and finally last night after 11 p.m. finished re-installing XP64 back onto my home system. I was able to install Vista on my home system and had it running for about twenty minutes before I decided to install the Nvidia drivers which didn't install for some reason.

My brief impression was that Vista is very pretty to look at and that was with the default non-optimized drivers.

I do believe that I'm going to wait until a more stable beta is released before jumping on the Vista install bandwagon again.

You have no idea how frustrating it was to install, reformat, reinstall, rereformat, and then finally give up after it wouldn't install only to have it install and work for.....twenty minutes.

So, the first of the year and the official release date just isn't that far away to go through all of that again.

That was two days of headache my friends that I just don't feel like doing again....well sober anyway.

The USA was eliminated from the World Cup today. Ya know something? I don't blame anyone for not noticing.

If they had a decent chance at something like winning then it might be different. People would have set up and noticed that we did something other than two losses and a tie. It is like the Cincinnati Bungles out there representing the country.

There is still a party though and that is what the World Cup is for us now, the guest that no one really wanted to show up but did anyway, well now that guest is going home early.

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