Monday, May 19, 2008

Brand New Week!

Full of possibilities, hopes, dreams......oh yea! And my big overtime check! I've already got it budgeted and I'm pretty sure I can keep to it.

It is getting warmer, as I said in my last post we are just right there on the brink of Summer but my Summer hang out crew is breaking up. One of them is moving two and a half hours away in July. That is going to suck as the past two Summers have been really good for me. We would just hang out, no one would even have to talk to enjoy what was going on and each other.

It was comfortable and nice. I know there will be times when we will be able to get together even after the move but they won't be nearly as plentiful as it has been. So I'm going to savor the handful of times we have left right now and be grateful for the ones that come later.

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