Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday Night Editing

Beersnob and I sat down last night to edit a test scene for the Battlestar Fanfilm project.
Meanwhile Chris sat down in Minnesota and wrote a mission statement for the other non film related project which I will dub The Secret Project for now.

The editing went fairly smoothly. I cut the best lines from each take and spliced them all together to form a nice scene that maintained the energy level John wanted or was close to what he wanted. It was a fun evening and since it was only one scene it took about three hours to get it all cut but that was including putting all of the footage onto the hard drive to start with.

Once the splicing began it didn't take long.

Chris's statement was pretty solid for The Secret Project. I don't know if there is really anything I can add to it right now but I am sure once it is started and things that are unforeseen happen then it will have to be revised. It is good to put the purpose of what you want to accomplish in black and white so everyone knows what page you are on.

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