Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Big Changes Coming My Way

I'm going to interrupt my regularly scheduled blog on Peeps vs. Cadbury Cream Eggs to let my Iowa brothers know what is going on. Soon enough I'm going to have permanent company in the house. Yesterday I asked The Date and girls to move in.

Its going to take some work and adjustment on my part as I have my own little quirks but overall this has been the best and easiest relationship I've been in, well out of the handful of so called serious relationships I've been in that is.

Those of you who know me know I don't do anything this quick but this feels good and right. You also know how bachelorish I've lived over the years. It's going to take a lot of adjustment on my part. I'm willing to do that though. Going to have to buy a robe as I usually leave my clothes in the dryer and heat them up in the mornings. Which means I'm usually standing outside the dryer naked after showering.

But warm clothes in the mornings....mmmmmm, nice!

Anyway, I've been giving this some thought over the past two to three weeks so you can see the time involved. I've bounced it off of some of my sage friends in conversations over drinks, which turned out very well and got blessings all around.

Now for the not so romantic part but I did incorporate my iPhone! I asked by texting. I know I know. But I thought it was kinda cool the way I did it, I worked it into a conversation and I think it really surprised her! Not exactly what was expected!

So soon enough I'll be making a pilgrimage to Wal-Mart in search of a robe to wear in the mornings. I'm wondering how I can keep my clothes in the dryer too....

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