Monday, April 06, 2009

William. P. Young Part Two

I took The Date and her fine daughters to the second evening of Mr. Young's service. It was more amazing than the first evening.

He is quite the man, gracious and generous. I plan on purchasing the CDs of all four services he spoke at and storing them permanently on my iPhone.

He said to make us feel better about ourselves we find someone who has more pain to deal with than we do and compare it. I've done that. I've suggested others do that as well. My theory was always at least then you know things aren't as bad as they could be and you have less than that other person to go before you feel better. It is just a way to put off dealing with what needs to be dealt with. Eventually you'll have to deal with it.

Start there. Find someone and deal with it. I'd suggest reading The Shack first. It's almost a blueprint for anyone who has been hurt. My childhood and teen years were pretty good actually. I had a great foundation to build on, my hurts came after I was out on my own. I really think most people's have.

As a teen you can't wait to get out on your own but you really have no idea how ill prepared you really are for dealing with the pitfalls life will throw at you, and then kick you when you are down.

Now at the age of thirty nine I think I've got it down but in reality I know I've got a long way to go. I've got my quirks yet. They might just be a part of who I am now though. My journey of self discovery is a long way from being over but over the past two evenings I believe I've walked a hard mile or two and I think that there is some easier ground up ahead for a while now.

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