Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The Date is going through a particularly stressful week with finals and all. Meanwhile back at the ranch so am I at work. They set my priorities to do a certain kind of part last week and that is all we did to the neglect of everything else.

So now as you suspect everything else is now a priority and it is taking a tremendous effort to catch everything else up. However for both of us this might be the last really stressful week we'll both have in a while.

Things are bound to settle down in a couple of weeks or less and it'll be all good. It is raining out and looks like it will be for a while. My yard is already becoming pretty tall but I paid a guy to mow it a while back and he hasn't gotten to it yet.

My shower drain is also starting to drain really slowly. That means that I've got roots in my sewer pipe. I've been to this rodeo a few times already. I'm going to have to call someone to pull them all out with a machine. Just have to put it off until next payday now.

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