Saturday, April 04, 2009

While Obama

Is embarrassing us abroad and calling America arrogant, I decided to finish watching season three of Dexter yesterday. It is such a good show! I can't emphasize that enough! Then I turned my sites to True Blood!

A vampire series that takes place after a synthetic blood has come into existence by the Japanese. The stunningly cute Anna Paquin stars. I made it through three episodes last night! Nine more to go!

Tonight I have plans to go see the author of The Shack. He is in town and speaking at my church. Its odd that my church would invite this author since they are pretty conservative in biblical interpretation.

The Shack is a very controversial book in the Christian community. There are several places where it is in stark contrast of Christianity however I do believe that my church has offered the invite as a learning experience.

Regardless I know for a fact that someone can become a bible believing Christian by watching something even as blasphemous as TBN or even heretics such as Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland. That might be the gate to get someone on the right path that God uses.

Tonight is a question and answer service. That should be very interesting! I can't wait!

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