Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do You Ever Get Mad?

I was furious yesterday when I opened up the water bill from the city. Over three hundred dollars!!! We average sixty eight dollars a month on water, it rarely hits over seventy. I saw that the month before there was no reading and the bill was under forty dollars, that's twenty some dollars short of what the average is. Last month the same thing.

Two months of no readings now equals over twice as much as we average!!! There's just not a possible way to get there from here.

Their gadget doesn't work and report like it should and now we get the whopping huge bill for it not working. I was sick to my stomach all last night. It's not enough that I'm working my tail off trying to get just a little bit ahead but every single time you start to get a breath something like this happens and wipes out what little gains you are able to make. The system seems to know exactly when you are able to save something and says, "There's a family trying to get a little money to put away! Time to take it all!"

I was angry, furious, wanted to tear into a punching dummy or something. Instead I got Thing 2 and we went to get ice cream sundaes. Now the good news part.

Thanks to The Date's newer and much better job that makes it much easier on us to at least try and get ahead now. Our massive saving grace is that we have practically no debt. Mortgage, Tahoe payment (which I've paid extra on) and one tiny remaining credit card with less than 900 owed. That's it.

I'm very thankful that we're not swamped with thousands in debt as I've heard on Dave Ramsey's show. I can finish paying off the Tahoe in less than ten months if I step it up just a little bit too but if not even at the current pace I'll have it paid off in thirteen months, far sooner than the note's terms.

I feel good about how our financial future is headed and that's actually pretty good in this economy. When the entire world is seemingly on fire as Nero fills out his NCAA brackets. Haiti (remember them?) is still a disaster, Japan is melting down, the Middle East is rioting itself into who knows what right now, our own economic woes are paramount as gas prices rise which will ripple into every single sector of our economy causing EVERYTHING to go up in price when we can afford it the least, and Congress can't agree on how much spending to cut.

But you know something? I know that when The Date finishes her degrees that by that time we'll have a great financial future ahead. Sometimes its a struggle now. I knew that going in that it would be tough to make ends meet sometimes but I'm good with that. It'll be that much better later on and we'll be in a much better position if we stay this course. Tough now but a better future later when we can't work or just plain ole' don't want to work anymore and the best part is that we'll both be under the general retirement age when that happens!

So water bill, bring your financial anomalies, I'm not scared!

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