Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Missed Obama's speech last night about Libya, that's fine, everyone knew what he was going to say. Personally I support the action. A world without Khaddafi/Qaddafi/Gaddafi in it is a better world. I wish he would grow a bigger set though and go after him personally.

I'd like the Khaddafi to be toppled, killed off, and free elections to be part of the process as democracy takes root in Muslim countries. The only hope is that they would not elect radicals with anti-western views.

Be honest as well, there isn't anything humanitarian about this action either. If so we would have helped out in Iran a year ago during their uprising, Egypt a month ago, or Syria and Jordan tomorrow. That's not even mentioning all of the backward countries in Africa that slaughter people wholesale. You can't get much more of a humanitarian need than that and yet we have no vital interests in those countries.

Just saying don't hide behind the shield of humanity to justify your actions when so many other places are in the same dire straits. If there was ever a place for a humanitarian mission that needed help it was in Iran last year, those were peaceful protestors trying to abolish their hardline, fanatical, Muslim theocracy bent on bringing as much chaos into the world as possible to hasten the return of the 12th Imam, the Madhi. But no, we didn't lift a finger in support of them and they were slaughtered in the streets.

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