Monday, March 28, 2011

Headlong Into Another Week

A week full of possibility and who knows what. Perhaps this will be another run of the mill average week, perhaps it won't. It'll be what you make of it ultimately. If you plan on having a bad week, the week will be glad to oblige you.

If you plan on having a good week, then don't sweat the small stuff, ther's always something to worry about if you look enough. Even though most of the stuff we've had to deal with lately has been sizable, it's over now and it's time things will get better.

I had a good night's rest, I feel very refreshed this morning. Not much is going to phase me today or dampen my mood. There's plenty going on in the world today to make one pause and speculate on the end of the world. The world is pretty much on fire, radioactive fire in the Far East in fact.

People are buying more and more into this guy as events seem to escalate. Each disaster is worse than the last one, each political event is another brick in an unstable wall being built around people who are expecting it to crash in on them.

Not everyone believes as I do though, I'm a partial Preterist. Meaning most of Matthew 23-24, Daniel, and Revelation were fulfilled by the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. It's not the sexy end of the world scenario of Pretrib-Millennialism where the world gets worse and worse until we get a bailout by Heaven itself. Basically the books from the Left Behind series is Pre-Millennialism. That's from an ideology called Dispensationalism. Dispensationalism was started in the mid 19th century and said the events from the Bible had not happened yet.

This was a major departure from the traditional and classic view (and now almost unheard of view) of Preterism or fulfilled prophecy. Events clearly written by Josephus on the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, the final destruction of the Temple, and the Beast, all of that is over with.

Partial Preterism says it's all over with except three events, the rapture, second coming, and judgment day. Full Preterism says everything has been fulfilled and the apostasy of the church is the reason no one recorded the major events such as the rapture. I've got a hard time buying into the full view. Partial makes sense, Dispensationalism needs a LOT to become even remotely true.

For example for prophecy to be fulfilled the Temple would have to be reconstructed so it could be torn down again as per Matthew. In fact every sited verse there is a Temple present and it's destruction is predicted. What stands in the way now of the Temple being rebuilt?

The Dome of the Rock. One of Islam's holiest sites. Now if Israel decided they were going to demolish that and rebuild the Temple they'd be at war immediately and set of a catastrophic chain of events.

It's not going to happen, it's just not.

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