Saturday, March 19, 2011

In The Spirit Of Vandalism

Yep, sometimes you can't catch a break. High water bill, and now I'm going to have to use all of the equity I had in the Tahoe to replace the back glass in it, The Date's rear side window, and Thing 1's driver's glass and windshield.

I'm positive that this is going to run about twelve hundred dollars, maybe a bit more to get all three fixed.

So you wake up and take the dog out around seven am as I do. You see the Tahoe has got something weird happening to the back glass as the hinges are raised full up. I investigate and find that there is no glass to hold the hinges down so they extend themselves.

Then I check out The Date's car and find glass broken out and then Thing 1's Caliber has the same but the window tint is holding the glass together and in place.

Sometimes you just can't get ahead at all no matter how hard you try. And I try very hard to be positive and not get upset at things but even I get beaten down from time to time.

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