Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Successful Errand Day

I secured the equity loan on the Tahoe yesterday morning, ran errands including getting the super high water bill discounted. They will call me when finished but they agreed it wasn't correct.

So now everything is ok, The Date got our glass replacement scheduled and it should start this very afternoon between one and three. The Caliber will be first as it is the hardest to drive right now with plastic on the driver's side window. I can't see out of the back window of the Tahoe but I can drive it just fine as I'm a seasoned driver as are many of you my gentle readers.

So I had some spare time yesterday so I decided to listen to one of my radio shows and this was from March 16th. They had a man on there predicting the next big earthquake world wide that will be on par with the devastation of Japan or the Indonesia event.

You'll be surprised to find out the next big quake will be right in the heartland, well maybe a bit over to the left ventricle side of the heartland. But here's a map and he said it'll be very bad and could damage the nuclear reactor north of St. Louis.

It's the New Madrid fault that actually has been pretty active lately. The Date got interested in how earthquakes happen in her last science class and she got an iPhone app that monitors quakes worldwide. Arkansas has been very active lately.

If I lived in that area I'd be going over survival plans. Making lists of things needed when there is no food or water around to be had. Buying heirloom seeds and starting gardens to feed your families and arming yourselves to defend against looting. When no one has food to buy and you are used to buying food easily then it'll get very ugly fast.

We live in an area that won't go crazy like major urban areas will. We've (my family, friends, and I) got the ability to protect and defend if things go bad and the ability to get out of town quickly and into the country if need be and even a planned destination to meet should we get separated. Which reminds me I'll need to schedule another Zombie Apocalypse of Doom survival meeting soon! Those are fun:)

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