Monday, September 18, 2006


Yep my friends, I went 0-3 this week in fantasy play in three leagues....

Not a good start since over the past two weeks I am now 1-4-1.
Can you say pathetic? I can.

In my money league, Tiki just isn't scoring. Your first round pick is the hoss, the one you can rely on to get you steady points every week. Well he isn't but I do feel he will. He is too talented not to come through. It might be at the middle of the season but the Giant's offense is just too talented not to put up some big points with Tiki.

The free Yahoo leagues, well in both leagues I scored big but not big enough to win the weekly matchups. I am sure I will finish in the top half of both leagues but my money league is what is concerning me right now. It is just too early to tinker too much with the lineup right now.

So for the short time being I am going to ride it out and wait for the scoring to pick up.

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