Thursday, September 21, 2006

It Rained Last Night

It feels good this morning. It is cool, still pretty windy though but nice.

It is trash day. I have to remember to put my trash outside so it isn't setting in the hosue for another week. I think I have developed a small cold. I thought yesterday that it was probably all the dirt in the air that stopped my sinuses up but it might not have been afterall.

We'll see if it develops further.

I am about to head back to my job. Eight hours on sixteen hours off. It has worn me down my friends. There are rumors Mr. Hyde might be back as our supervisor again. Our new supervisor, the one that is probably the best we have had ever, will soon be advancing to a better job. That leaves his job open which means that there is a chance that Mr. Hyde The Boy Idiot will be back to make life miserable again.

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