Monday, September 25, 2006

One More Day

Back to work I go to support my breathing and eating habit. Five days on two days off. I am starting to see a pattern. I might be a little slow some times but yeah, this one is pretty clear.

It isn't that I don't like working and being productive. I LOVE it. It gives me worth. It allows me to do things for others I wouldn't normally be able to do. It is the fact that I feel I'm wasted at work, not wasted like they have a bar set up or anything like that, just that I have a lot to offer a company and my talents just aren't being utilized correctly.

See here is a little secret of mine. Since 99% of you who read this I'll probably never meet and the other 1% who do probably already know it about me I think it is safe to divulge. If I were in love with someone who meant the world to me I would work this job for the rest of my life and never complain once. Heck I'd work two jobs if that is what it took to keep my friend, lover, and or spouse happy. Yes, I would give up my dreams for someone who meant the world to me.


It would not be a cause of resentment either. If that is what it would take that is how far I would be willing to go.

However since nothing is even close to that point yet I am still working on becoming the next great screenwriter/director/editor....your basic indie filmmaker.


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