Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What Keeps You Going?

This is the existential question that every thinking person out there struggles with.

What is it that makes you get out of bed in the morning?
What is it that keeps you going?
What is it that keeps you from just giving up?

Everyone has their own reasons, maybe family, friends, some purpose they feel that they have to fulfill. Some people just haven't figured it out yet and go through the motions.

They fake living. They know what they are supposed to do since that is what everyone else is doing so that has to be right, right?

They might even know what they want to do but have a hard time making the opportunity happen. They might be a bit more jaded than that though.
They might go the same route as everyone else, get married, raise kids, work a job, retire and then what? What is there next? What accomplishment really means something?

Do you keep telling yourself that one day you will be able to do what you dream of?
Oh yeah....after you pay off your mortgage, get out of debt, retire?!?!?! And then do what?

Have you ever been fulfilled to the point that you know you are where you are supposed to be?

What fulfills you? Do you even know what would fulfill you?

Sadly I feel I am faking being alive right now. I can't answer any of these questions with any certainty. I've often thought of doing something radical and just quitting, packing up my essentials and moving but can't find the guts to do even that. I've got a strong sense of internal responsibility but sometimes I feel it is misplaced.

I do feel I used to know what kept me going but somehow I have forgotten it along the way. That maybe shutting everyone out and keeping contact with other people to the barest of minimums might be an alternative.

No I'm not feeling sorry for myself and having some kind of pity party fit right now. I'm just asking myself one of the essential questions of life, "What am I doing here, where am I going and why?"

Well I didn't like the fact that I couldn't really answer my own question and that lead to this post.

Honestly my friends I don't know the answers.

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