Thursday, September 28, 2006

Are You Entitled To Happiness Or My Own Green Grass....

After yesterday's post I decided to ask myself this question. At least I know the answer to this one.

No. No one is entitled to happiness. You have to make your own happiness. As the Founding Fathers wrote, The Pursuit Of Happiness. That is what you are entitled to.

Well in the general sense that is. On a personal level it can be a lot more complex. For me, and today is one of those days, I have a full coffee card. That makes me happy!!!!

Filming Drinkbusters is a source of happiness.
The bonding I have shared with my friends has made me happy.
That is really all that is coming to mind right now though, well on a larger scale. I wish I could say there was more but there simply isn't.

So that means I can be unhappy or do something else that makes me happy, right?

Well not necessarily. Since Happy is relative to each individual and each individual is entitled to make their own happiness then perhaps the pursuit is what most people are after? When they actually can see happiness in whatever form that takes they become unhappy again. I know in my life that once I have obtained a goal then it just wasn't fulfilling anymore.

So what does all that mean? Well it means that you have to find a new goal of something you think is going to make you happy. It also means that there might be a whole lot in your life right now that you could be very happy with and just not realize it. Yeah the whole, "The Grass Isn't Always Greener" theory.

There are countries around the world where there just isn't any form of happiness at all. Where misery is a national commodity and death, starvation, genocide, and any number of other horrible things are too common. Where even if you knew what would make you happy there are people standing in your way to see that you don't get it. Say like the simple freedom to worship as you please in Darfur. (Look it up if you don't get it)

Tonight I am going to come home after work, I'm going to light my Dreamsicle candle, drink a coke, take off my uniform and enjoy a small measure of happiness. The contentment of relaxing in my own house and knowing I don't have to be back to work until Monday. I have the knowledge that I have family and friends that care about me and that brings up a wellspring of inner happiness. Is there something missing?

Well of course there is.

The pursuit of the next thing that I believe would make me temporarily outstandingly happy that once obtained is just my own green grass again.

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