Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Good Friday!!!!

Yesterday was nice, real nice.
I got a haircut, paid some bills, ordered a bulb for Beersnob's light kit I broke, and had a few drinks with most of my friends.

It was a great day!

I did get pretty wasted, sent some drunk messages, and slept it all off. I feel pretty good today and I'm ready for the film adventure that is soon to happen!

So now as I'm watching TV this morning and waking up I have to tell you what I am seeing. I am watching Jordan Knight and Debbie....sorry Deborah Gibson sing and try to jumpstart their careers. Apparently Jordan Knight is now trying to be Billy Joel.

I guess I'm still trying to get over his Surreal Life experience. Now THAT was entertaining!!!!

I also see that Congress has now passed legislation to ban credit card companies, electronic wire transfers, and electronic checks from funding online poker sites....sigh.

I'm sorry I'm a big boy, if I want to play poker it is my business and not the concern of anyone else. The government is not my big brother and it should NOT be interjecting itself in this sort of business. What is next? Are they going to require a five point harness and helmets in every vehicle? You just never know when you are going to be in an accident afterall.


Maybe we need warning lables on Coke cans that say that you should be careful because when you open a can the spray might get into your eye and cause irritation....

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