Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kidney Stones Suck

That is my statement of the day.

I passed my....I don't even know what number that was but it had to be between the ninth and eleventh since I was

They are actually pretty painful. They make you feel all kinds of bad but you really can't put your finger on it but you just know something is wrong. Then all of a sudden you get this big ole' shock of pain as it actually leaves your body.

Yeah, they are a big box of suck.

On the plus side for the day there is a film meeting at Chris's place in which we are going to wrap up the discussion on last weekend's shooting and to see what we can do to improve it for this weekend.

My monitor which quit just over a month ago is scheduled to arrive any minute on UPS!!!! That is great!!!! Once you get used to dual monitors it is very difficult to just use one, I've really been missing it.

Drinkbusters 1x3 is just over 90% finished. With the filters I applied to this one and the deinterlacing and deartifacting process I am using this time, the rendering has taken just about twenty four hours.

It should look much better though! I'm excited to get it posted tonight and will probably be able to before bed time!

It has given me a chance to watch the OOT though.

What? OOT?

The Original Original Trilogy. The UnLucased version of the movies that were as shown in the theaters. I'll post a more indepth review soon on these:)

Stay tuned!

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