Saturday, January 12, 2008

Drinks After Work

Yes yesterday after work was a prefect day to chill out at a watering hole. You clock out, drive down the road, stop off and then after a couple of drinks you decide you are hungry!

Well they don't have food there so you have to go somewhere else. So I head out to a local coffee shop and who do I find? Wendy! So we chill with some coffee for a bit and then go and get some supper!

That was my Friday after work! Last weekend I ordered some hot sauce called Wanza's Wicked Temptation. It hasn't arrived yet so I went back to the site and found out they were out of stock. So I went on Ebay and found a hotter hot sauce called The Source. The Source rates 7.1 million Scoville units on the hot scale. The scale goes up to 16 million.

I got a good deal on a bottle on Ebay as I said and hopefully it will be here this coming week! Some of the guys at work were going through a manhood phase I guess. One of them brought a shock collar to work to see who would be able to hold it to their neck on the highest setting of 8.

We'll give them a chance to try this, The Source. This will challenge their manhood!

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