Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Supper At The Pub

A few weeks ago the pub gave out secret discount envelopes. You can only open them in front of a waitress to see what you win.

So Wendy and I both had one and last night we met for supper. Our waitress came up to take our order and asked if we wanted to open up our envelopes and we both won free appetizers! Not bad, the most expensive one is about nine dollars. So we both ordered an appetizer and then filled out the discount sheet.

She comes back with my tea and Wendy's coffee and tells us that we can only use one envelope per table and asks which one of us will be using ours tonight. I tell her I will and then she gives another envelope to Wendy for next time! Pretty cool!

Then we get done and ready to tab out and she gives me another envelope too!
Very cool evening!

I bounced some documentary ideas off of her, one particular one that would be very cool but I confess at the moment difficult to get going with. I believe it would be an excellent story to document the persecution of Christians in China. That story alone is compelling but I have no contacts in China and really don't know where to begin to find one. I have another friend I'm trying to talk into going but she is understandably hesitant right now. It could be really be dangerous.

The first step though is to find a specific story. If I can find that story, that person then I think the rest will start to fall into place!

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