Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Last Day Off

And I find myself watching the second season of Dexter. A brilliant and humorous show about a serial killer who's foster father was a cop and detected the signs very early in Dexter.

He trained him how to avoid the police and to only prey on murderers. The ironic part is he works in forensics of the Miami Police Department. Usually you accompany Dexter as he stalks his victim, does background, gets close to being caught, and administers justice.

This really is a show that is on par with The Shield, well except that The Shield hasn't got any humor to it. That's not a bad thing but there are similarities as well. Both main characters, Vic Mackey and Dexter Morgan, have a lot of problems relating to their job, relationships, both of their worlds are starting to crumble. They both love their jobs as that is their solace from the problems they face.

They continue to overcome inventive situations. The producers of both shows are really on the top of their game and do a sublime job. I'm really looking forward to the new season of The Shield, I believe it is the last one but I could be wrong.

If you get the chance to catch Dexter, jump on in.

I go back to work tomorrow but that's alright. I've had a nice twelve days off now and I'll only have to work two days before having a weekend off. Kind of easing back into the flow of work.
I'll have to think about saving up enough leave to take a full two weeks off next time.

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