Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Man Hall Of Fame Part 12

Today I'm going to tell you about a man who if you were brave enough to challenge him as a player he would shut you down to single digit points, date three of your cheerleaders at halftime, score 50 on you alone, and quite possibly have a triple double at your expense.

Yes, Michael Jordan is THE man when it comes to basketball. Without a doubt the most fierce competitor to have stepped onto the hardwood. He revolutionized the game and was single handedly responsible for the growth of the NBA in the 90's. It exploded under his regime in popularity and profit.

Winning six titles in eight years at the high point of the Chicago Bulls' dominance of the 90's, the only two they didn't win were in the middle when MJ retired and Houston took the reigns briefly. Scotti Pippen was good but he needed MJ to be great. He made Phil Jackson a better coach, he made his team better by just his presence, he intimidated teams before he even walked onto the floor.

I still have the final two playoff runs of his career with the Bulls on VHS. I need to convert them to DVD one day especially since they are around 10 years old now. Jordan was the most dominant player in the NBA, he had the complete game and as such is a worthy addition to my Man Hall Of Fame!

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