Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ruin The Country For Free

Last night I emailed both of my Senators and my Representative in the House. I told them simply that I believe that if Congress is asking the citizens of this time to spend the wealth of the citizens decades from now that the least Congress can do is work for free.

There are hypocritical Senators and House members who are ruining this country by their own self interest. The AIG bonuses is the latest debacle in the early days of this administration. The bonuses are contractually obligated and were over a year ago. EVERYONE who is expressing outrage KNEW over a year ago that this was going to happen.

The fact is that this is a complicated matter. AIG is an important company that insures many pension plans of retirees along with many other important and vital interests.

Senator Chris Dodd accepted 103,000 dollars in campaign funds from AIG. This isn't that unusual except Dodd now hates these people....or does he? Just the other day he suggested taxing the bonuses of the people who received the bonus money. Yeah! Good for the little people! Right?

Not so fast.

Dodd put specific language in the STIMULUS BILL that is A LAW SIGNED BY BARACK OBAMA that stipulated that all contractual bonuses before February 11, 2009 will be honored!!

103,000 dollars bought this language and 101,000 dollars bought the President's signature on the bill. That was the second highest amount given by AIG to the campaign of Barack Obama. If you don't believe me google it. It is alright, you'll find everything I've blogged about here. Usually I put in links but sometimes you have to do your own research.

You'll be stunned at what you will find and you need to find it, you need to get mad about it. You need to understand that these people in Congress are passing laws against your best interests. They have spent more money than we have. They are drunk on power and will do anything to protect their own interests while selling you down the river.

And if you think the AIG bonuses are a big disaster wait until the news picks up on the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonuses that will be given soon by YOU the taxpayer!

That is why I contacted my representation to ask them to work for free. I am blessed to have three very good members! They are very conservative and although maybe not perfect they are far far better than the likes of Dodd, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, Kennedy, McCain and a hundred others, sadly on both sides of the aisle.

I would like, no LOVE to see one of my Senators author a bill that says Congress will work for free and make sacrifices while they are asking people who aren't born yet to make sacrifices in paying this money back in taxes. I know it would get no where but wouldn't it be really great to get a full vote of Congress and see who voted to keep their very high salaries and benefits???

I ask you to contact your three Representatives and ask them to do the same thing. There is no reason they should be paid very well to ruin this country.

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