Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Top Five Zombie Movies

Alright this might cause some of you zombie lovers some heartburn but if you don't like it get your own blog and post your list.

With the impending zombie holocaust of doom likely mere weeks away (I'm sure Obama could throw a couple of trillion dollars at them to spend them away, money solves every problem you know) I'm posting my favorite zombie movies.

1. Dawn of the Dead Original: What can I say that hasn't been said? Yeah it was Romero's comment on consumerism however it has some strong zombie chops. Tom Savini became a underground star in this movie! Excellent movie! Lots of fun and camp! Plenty of zombies in a setting that really appealed to some of my childhood memories!

2. Shaun of the Dead: Duh! What do you get when you add British comedy together with the American zombie concept? A darn fine movie! This movie is incredible all the way through! Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are great! An instant classic movie that you could watch anytime!

3. 28 Days Later: Scary zombies! These zombies run at you! They are vicious, mean, never seem to tire, and not zombies you want running after you if you are as out of shape as I am! At least Romero's zombies I can run....well walk from and be plenty safe! Yeah they keep coming but that's alright, I'd have enough time to reload, have a cup of coffee, chat with the fellow zombie holocaust of doom survivors for a bit, take careful aim and eventually win the day. Not so much with these zombies....I hope the impending ZHD is the slow zombie variety!

4. Night of the Living Dead: Yeah it is this low because Romero himself surpassed his own creation! He invented and improved his own zombie creation! This is one fine movie though! The little girl in the basement with the spade?!?!?! Seriously?!?! Creeeppyy!!!!! If that doesn't give you nightmates about how serious the zombies are then what will?

5. Dawn of the Dead Remake: Yeah I hate remakes but this one is on par with the original. These zombies run though and are more like the 28 Days Later zombies. Fast, mean, relentless....not the zombies I want to tangle with. Sarah Polley as a bonus fellow ZHD survivor! I mean come on....if the world HAS to be repopulated....

So there are my zombie movies. Check them all out on one day for a ZHD marathon! You'll want to start boarding up your house and have an exit strategy planned to your nearest mall!

Stock up on ammo!

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