Monday, November 14, 2011

Bad Stuff

From hints my coworker through my way last week I know some bad stuff will be happening at work this week. He is on the grievance committee and meets regularly with the higher ups.

He couldn't tell me specifics but anyone could easily deduce from the numbers that have been well known that there will likely be a layoff very soon. They wanted the workforce down to a different number in what started out as 120 days, then it went down to 90 and now it's more like 30.

Management wanted to handle the overage by attrition meaning they'd fill slots vacated by retirees and those moving on. Well no one retires before Christmas and if you stayed that long you might as well finish up after tax season.

They had unreasonable expectations which means there will be some unhappy families this coming December. I don't know why it is but layoffs always happen before the holidays instead of mid-year. Perhaps it'll be easier for those effected to find holiday jobs until something breaks loose or they are recalled.

They will have two years of callback rights, meaning they can go and do what they want and when a slot comes open instead of hiring someone from the public they'll hire a laid off person. They'll retain their pay and any raises they would have received during that time.

I've never been laid off from this job. It's been cut right up to me though and a friend/coworker of mine who's seniority is about four months less than mine has been laid off twice. This time of year brings hardship to a lot of young families. This year appears to be no exception but let's hope for the best!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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