Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nothing Much

Had a good day of work yesterday, it was four and a half hours so it went fairly quick. Busy enough to keep it going, slow enough to pace yourself.

I just looked at the lottery numbers I bought on 11/11, no winners. Guess I'm going to have to do this the hard way. Work for everything, save, and save some more. I guess it's not as fast but it's the same way others have done it. Unless I get struck with a lightning bolt on an idea that would catapult my family into a super business that takes off like a rocket.

The debt plan is rolling, however slowly it is rolling it is still rolling. The faster it rolls the better off we'll be. My check this coming Friday is the day we should budget things again and reassess how far we've come.

Not going to lie, this is tough.

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