Saturday, March 04, 2006

Don't Forget The Guys Or Why I Love Movies

When I was a kid I lived a few blocks, walking distance, from a theater. I used to take whatever money I had and walk there and get a ticket to whatever was playing that week.

There was usually a release schedule sheet that they had that told what was going to be playing there for weeks at a time which was nice. I saw probably three 007 movies there, Star Wars, Going in Style, The Devil and Max Devlin, and countless other movies there at the Esquire....And many others at the Lucky Seven drive in when we went there for a drive in movie. There I saw such classics as Battle Beyond The Stars, Stir Crazy, and Airport 77.

Well, so there I was at a local grocery store today when I saw Guy's Original Tasty Mix!!!!

What is Guy's Original Tasty Mix? Well think Chex Mix but a little bit better and, Indie.

Guy's is a brand of potato chips but much much smaller than Lay's or Ruffle's. When you are walking down the chip aisle you can sometimes find Guy's there. In a world where Doritos has so much shelf space that they practically OWN the chip aisle along with Cheetos, Guy's would be usually at the end by the generic brands or maybe a local brand that is just getting its start and personally requested some shelf space from the store manager who used to coach their kids in little league.

They usually have the usual flavors there like Original or BBQ and maybe some cheeseys but rarely and I mean RARELY you will find Guy's Original Snack Mix in a store. Guy's Original Snack Mix has a unique flavor that is addictive and tasty. Everytime I am in the snack aisle I look to see if there is a bag there on the shelf....and sometimes there is one:)

Anyone who knows me knows that I tend to try and support the smaller things in life. The smaller brands, the Indie films, the people who are hungry and struggling and creative. The people who had their own unique vision and are trying to fulfill it. I like the Independent Spirit Awards over the Oscars. They are just fun and mean more!

To me Guy's is that.

Sometimes I get the Michael Bay or Steven Spielberg brand of chips like Lay's and Cheetos but I try to watch the Jim Jarmusch or Richard Linklater brands like Guy's, Andy Capp's, or Cape Cod chips. MMMmmmm, Andy Capp's Hot Fries!!!! Talk about a Lance Henrickson kind of movie and you have Hot Fries right there!

Well in the theater where I used to go to when I was a kid and developed my real love for movies there was a clock over the exit. It was a clock that had a intentionly dim blue neon look to it, well since it was in the theater and all it had to be pretty dim but it was bright enough that it could be read. The clock was a Guy's clock and it said, "Don't Forget The Guy's".

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