Sunday, March 19, 2006

Soprano Rant

Yes there will be spoilers in this post so if you are reading this and hate spoilers, and I know of one of you who should stop reading this now. So see ya next post buddy!

Now onto the Sopranos.

What has happened to this show? It has turned into a disjointed mess. What happened to all of the mob stuff? So far the first two episodes suck. Tony is in a coma, this is probably going to go on for several episodes instead of all of the interesting stuff that used to happen in this show!

All of a sudden The Sopranos has turned into ER. There is no "family business" going on right now and it has made this show hard to watch, in fact with Tony in a coma they are setting the stage for him to develop a conscious about his life's choices. Now this would be a great way to turn the story IF they follow through. I could see the whole family turning on him since he just went soft in their eyes and making his life hell.

There will be some predictable power struggle stuff soon so that will help pick things up.
There also looks like there will be a terrorism storyline shortly but I am not getting my hopes up. Potentially great storylines have been started and dropped before without even a second thought.

I'm not saying that this show won't be good again but after the first two episodes, I'm not holding my breath. There is potential but since this is the last season of the show, where are all of the fireworks?

The show is starting a nosedive and I hope it pulls up in a episode or two but maybe the ending will be well worth it.

Meadow is still hot though and that is good!

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