Saturday, June 14, 2008

Couldn't Sleep

Yes my friends after a four or five hours of sleep last night I was wide awake. Pretty unusual for me to not get a full night.

I've got seeming a hundred things going on in my head. Tomorrow is my sixteenth anniversary at work and it is bothering me. At this point I'm going to have to learn to be content or find something else. The problem with my job as I've talked about a lot of times is there is no challenge and I deal with lots of killing time and looking busy.

The upside is they pay me a ton, I've got two retirement packages, earn lots of vacation leave, and I have a moderate amount of job security. There is a slim chance I could be laid off this Fall so I am making preparations now in case that happens with a three month emergency fund ala Dave Ramsey. I've got a nice sized start so far and will have no problems making the goal.

I've also been kicking around what would I do IF I didn't do what I do. Nothing is really coming to mind as a definite Plan B but I am open to many ideas.

My Thursday night after work with a friend session really got to me. They have a new job and are enjoying it a lot. Mainly because they are challenged. Yeah she said that there are downsides to the job but the good outweighs the bad.

It all comes down to needing a challenge. I can challenge myself to be content as I am or I can challenge myself to figure out something better to do.

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