Monday, June 16, 2008

Want To Know Why Baseball Sucks?

This is why. Baseball used to be about the common man taking his family or kids to watch a game. The lack of a salary cap has escalated seat prices so out of control that baseball will eventually drive the people it wants to attract out of affording the games.

Yes new stadiums are expensive to build. Salaries are expensive to pay. I'm sure that a couple of teams around the MLB will sell seats at these price ranges. I've no doubt about it. I also have no doubt that there will be a lot of empty seats in a lot of stadiums. Yankee Stadium might be one of the ones that struggle to sell tickets unless they get a reality check.

No one wants to pay twelve bucks for a hot dog let alone for two or three of them. That's less than ten gallons of gas!

Baseball will have to realize someday that they aren't the NFL. The NFL can get away with charging outrageous prices if they want to, people watch those games! People care about the NFL! You only get eight home games. That is a lot more affordable than eighty one home games. The sport is better, people love football! College or the NFL it doesn't matter, this is the king of American sports!

Baseball is just one sport that historically doesn't get it. They are just now looking at instant replay....years after being instituted by other sports. They fail to grasp how a salary cap reduces the price burden on the common man who would like to go see a game. How many times are you going to pay 2,500 per seat to see A-Rod choke in the bottom of the ninth making 30 million per year? You can see that free on TV on your home theater which might have cost less than one seat behind home plate at the new Yankee Stadium!

I don't see the math adding up but I could be very wrong here. I'm just saying even if I were a lottery winner I wouldn't pay those prices for those seats.....

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